Equine Artist sculptures Brigitte Boss

Brigitte Boss: Equine Artist is known for Bronze Sculptures of Horses and Foals. Read more below. For small sculptures look in the shop.

Brigitte Boss is an internationally renowned Equine Artist with here own Brigitte Boss Museum whose bronze sculptures capture the essence and emotion of animals. Her works, loved for their precise anatomy and intense expressiveness, are not just art objects, but stories in bronze. From the playful nature of a foal to the dignified strength of a mature horse and the loyalty of a dog – every detail of the animal comes alive in her sculptures.

Portraits of World Famous and Olympic Horses

Equine Artist Brigitte has made a name for herself worldwide with portraits of famous horses, including Olympic champions and winners of world championships. These portraits are not just works of art; they are tributes to the achievements, strength and unique personalities of these horses. Each image is a reflection of the story behind their success and reflects not only their physical splendour, but also the emotional connection we have with them. With a keen eye for detail, Brigitte Boss brings these champions to life in her unique bronze horse sculptures, offering owners a unique way to immortalise the bond with their champions. Brigitte Boss’ work is not only loved by collectors worldwide, but has even found a place in royal and famous private collections.

At the National Equestrian Centre of the Netherlands and Denmark:

KWPN headquarters (Ermelo)
Totilas bronze.
Dansk Varmblod Headquarters (Vilhelmsborg Mårslet)
Life size ‘Une Belle Histoire’ mare with foal and Life size ‘Donkey Boy’ bronze.


At the Museum, Gallery and Garden.

The horse has inspired art since time immemorial. From the earliest cave drawings through Greek and Roman equestrian statues to Napoleon on horseback to finally arrive at Maurizio Cattelan’s stuffed ceiling horses. The noble animal is companion and muse for many. So too for Brigitte Boss. Her bronze sculptures focus on the animal’s movement and use a special patina to approximate the skin of a horse stretched tightly around its muscles. Brigitte is self-taught and averse to the conventions found in this genre. No pedestals, no static poses and above all: look closely and sculpt.

Life-size sculptures and miniatures.

Her life-size sculptures and miniatures stand out for their vividness of movement and unusual skin. The surface of these sculptures is whimsical and wrought, as seen in the great Impressionist sculptors. She seeks the inspiration and devotion to both nature and art as one can find in artists like Franz Marc and Medardo Rosso. They too sought a representation of their subject beyond what one thinks one sees. A making process that demonstrates a carefully constructed, empathetic relationship to what is to be captured in the sculpture. Sculptures that are not conceived but that almost manifest themselves from motor memory and subconscious knowledge about the subject before the eye of the maker. Work that contains a piece of the soul of both the person portrayed and the maker.

Careful and empathetic making process.

By explicitly showing this careful and empathetic making process in the skin of the final cast sculpture, work is created with a certain sense of momentum. You can feel the muscle tension and follow the expression. These animals really stand on their legs. Brigitte’s thumbs are in the folds of the skin and the anatomy follows that of the horse portrayed in detail. In doing so, she wants to honour what, in her view, is one of the most important characteristics of the animal. The horse is constantly in motion and communicates its own complex personality mainly through body language. Brigitte understands much of this language and knows how to approach the character and essence of an animal in her sculptures.

This makes her work very popular with horse lovers worldwide. Sculptures by her hand can be found in the Netherlands, Norway, Belgium, England, Sweden, Denmark, the United States, Brazil, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Germany.

With a working method that treats its chosen subject with such integrity, a suitable presentation spot also belongs. The Brigitte Boss Museum – a converted horse stable, garden and studio – is at the heart of TAK Art Space

Custom-made works of art.

Every sculpture by Brigitte Boss is custom-made, focusing on personal wishes and the unique personality of the animal. From imposing, life-size sculptures to smaller, intimate portraits, her art fits perfectly in any setting.

For anyone looking for art that brings together strength, elegance and emotional depth, Brigitte Boss offers an unforgettable experience and a work of art that stands the test of time.

